Disappointing MGS4 Lauch Event
So, I went to the MGS4 launch event today. I waited in line for over 4 hours only to be denied when I was finally near the front of the line. This seriously sucked, considering I got there so many hours early, and they kicked everyone out half an hour before the event was scheduled to end.
I was planning on getting my game signed, as well as a calorie mate box.
I noticed that very few people there had actually played much of the game, and several had just gotten it this morning. Some Japanese guys were going around interviewing people, and nobody they interviewed had anything very interesting to say .. this is when I intervened.
They were interviewing the guy behind me .. he was really boring and talking about how much he liked covert ops .. so when they were finishing up, I chimed in and told them "I actually beat the game already." and after a few seconds of deliberation in japanese between them, they turned back to me said "We want to interview you!", so they did.
First they asked me how much time I spent playing the game, and I told them "17 and a half hours over the past two days."
Then they asked me what I thought about it, and I told them that I liked how it incorporated aspects from all the metal gear games in this one ..
Then they asked me if I had any messages for Kojima and I said "SIGN MY STUFF !!" and whipped out my copy of MGS4 and a box of Calorie Mates ..
TOO BAD I DIDN'T GET THEM SIGNED !! I mean seriously .. WTF .. I didn't even get a damn dogtag.
I'm seriously disappointed .. I waited all that time, I devoted the past two days to that game, and totally DOMINATED it.
I think I deserved to get my game signed.
After it was over i stuck around for a little while .. The guys that interviewed me saw me in the window and pointed, then talked to the security guys, but I couldn't get in.
As a last resort, I waited till Kojima walked by, and put my calorie mate and MGS4 box up to the window .. he saw the calorie mate, pointed at it, and laughed, so at least I got that.
I'm still pissed that I didn't get a damn signature on my game after I waited so long .. total bull.
I might go to AX and see if David Hayter will sign it .. maybe .. maybe not.