Thursday, November 8, 2007

Ragnarok II

So I started playing the Korean Beta .. and I must say, Ragnarok Online II is the perfect MMO.

I'm not just saying that because I was a huge fan of RO, but it's like they took all the good points of RO, as well as all the good points from every other major name MMO, and put them together without any of the drawbacks.

I'm not very far in the game, and I've been trying to figure stuff out but so far I love it, and not just the nostalgic value, it's truly a great game !!

For one thing, it's beautiful. Graphics are great, animations are solid, it's too bad my laptop doesn't have a good enough processor or graphic card to play the game at full capacity.

There is nearly limitless customization, tons of clothes options for every level, plus you can dye your clothes different colors. I am yet to see any two people wearing the exact same outfits. Not to mention you can pic your hair styles and colors, eyebrows, and eyes .. plus 2 more races will be implemented in the future.

TONS of quests to do, which means you don't need to grind for exp nearly as much as you did in RO1, and every time you gain a level you unlock loads of new quests from not just the kafras, but many of the random NPCs in the towns, and by beating one quest, you unlock another and so on.

More lvling, and by this I mean, you don't just Level your Base and Job levels, you also level your Weapon, as well as your skills by using them in battle and attacking in certain ways. This gives the game a much better sense of accomplishment, as there is always SOMETHING gaining a lvl.

More active and involved battling. You can freely move around while fighting, and this means you can deal more damage at certain angles and are harder to hit the further away you are, also you can change your stance to improve your attack or defence and the skills you use in battle are much more useful than I have seen in other games. It all gives fighting better sense of involvement and a more active feeling.

I almost forgot to mention that the music is beautiful too !!

For Christ sake it's RAGNAROK !! I played RO for years, and it was an awesome game !! This game is an improvement in EVERY way !! I think everyone needs to play it !! There is still tons of stuff I need to see in this game, and rightnow my char looks awesome !! But still we need to remember, it's only the beta version .. Korean beta at that !! The final product is sure to be even better, and will be subject to upgrades to make the game even better than that !!

Did I mention you can change your job whenever, and retain skills if you choose, kinda like FFXI only you don't lose your goddamn base lvl !! Gravity is awesome, Ragnarok II is brilliant, end of story.

Now back to doing my homework.


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