Monday, November 5, 2007

Brain Meltdown .. ADD Alert.

I seriously can't focus on schoolwork. The past week has been a bit hectic i suppose, but thats no excuse. I only have one more day left of my weekend, and on Tuesday I have to face the music. That means within the next 24 hours I have some serious study/homework/reading/ass-kissing to do and prepare for.

I feel like I've fallen really far behind in like ........ EVERYTHING .. And not that it's impossible for me to recover .. I just feel like I'm half asleep all the time and I can't function properly. Maybe I'm not getting enough sleep .. or maybe I'm not eating right .. I dono ... Maybe I'm just not rocking out hard enough .. hmm ..

Rockband is awesome. I totally want it. Pro street is also awesome .. like .. seriously wow, that game kicks so much ass. Gran Turismo Prologue is ALSO amazingly awesome .. Dragonball Z in a week = TOO AWESOME !! I'm so overwhelmed right now .. I havn't a clue what I should do.

This paycheck already went mostly to CF Nose Panel, which should hopefully come by the end of the week or somefin .. and uh h .. i guess next one will be like .. DBZ and some serious Pro Street.

SEE !! I HAVE NO ATTENTION SPAN !! I totally forgot I was stressing out over homework.. Jesus christ.

I need an HD TV also .. and some more shit for my car, I don't have nearly enough stuff .. I think 'll be a lot more happy once I get a B&B Exhaust .klfjsdkljsdjkergkln23

Anywho, i got this awesome T shirt .. Gonna wear it tomorrow probably .. maybe to class on tues or thurs i ono .. Also got mario enegry drinks .. they were really really sugary sweet.. tasted good .. didn't really wake me up .. kinda just fed my ADD or some shit.

Avatar is awesome, but i need to see episode 10 like RIGHT THE FUCK NOW !! holy christ ..

Uhh .. tons of pics from the past week;

Halloween party, Irene's birthday, Dirty Martini .. good times, plenty of fun for everyone.

Shall we recap ??

Well Irene's party was actually first .. which is where she had too much to drink at the horseshoe then passed out/puked at king of thai and in George's car .. That was a pretty fun night.

Halloween party was awesome, cept I drank too much .. but i didn't puke .. someone else puked in a red cup .. and left it amongst 30 other red cups .. and I happened to knock over 1 out of 30 red cups .. AND GUESS WHAT WAS IN IT !! .. yes .. i knocked over the puke cup.

WTF yo .. what bullshit .. Luckily the floor was blue tarped and impervious to cup vomit. oh well, all in good fun. Joe and I Dominated whoever the fuck we were playing against in beer pong .. I don't remember who we were playing, just that we totally schooled them.

Uhhh Dirty Martini .. man .. That one girl was dancing on that chair for like .. literally 3 hours .. then she made out with some random dude. i was like wtf yo .. and we played pool and Iyassu walked right past me .. but i was slightly faded so I probably sounded a lot louder in my head than i did IRL.

After watching Liar Liar twice this weekend .. once with a little magic .. I realized that that movie made absolutely no sense .. So you're telling me that .. after years of being a total dick, fucking his boss, flaking on his own son and being such an unfaithful bastard to his wife, that after ONE FUCKING DAY of not being able to lie, he's a totally changed man and his wife takes him back and his son forgives him. .......... NO WAY JOSE !! Fuck taht , thats some total bullshit ........ Oh well I guess it's still a funny movie.

Umm.. I guess I should end this so uhh.. Meerkat Manor is awesome, so is other stuff.

I think I'd better just get some rest and get shit done tomorrow.



I still haven't gotten the courage to go back to King of Thai. At least it wasn't the people who usually work there. I seriously don't even remember being in that restaurant. AT ALL.


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