Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Fire Alarm.

So halfway through "I Love New York 2", the fire alarm in my apartment building goes off .. and it's pretty damn loud. George was over, and Nikki and I both immediately freaked out. Not for our own safety, but we were trying to figure out how we could get the pigglies out safely in case the building really was on fire. We packed them up and the ringing probably traumatized them all. I initially stuck Genji in my sleeve, but then realized I had my Trogdor bag .. Anywho turned out someone just burnt their dinner and the fire department came for nothing, which was kindof annoying. I mean, an apology would have been nice .. but whatever, not a big deal. At least nobody got hurt.
I went outside to check the mail, and also to thank the fire people for coming so quickly .. thats when I saw just how seriously they take these things, even in the middle of the night. The whole damn fire department came .. pretty much at least. I counted 5 of the big fire trucks, taking up the whole street and going around both corners !! Pretty untensuru.

Anyways, I've been watching Meerkat Manor .. and Jesus Christ, that is the most depressing show ever. It is full of plot twists and the poor little Meerkats are always dieing in some seriously sad way. I can't stand how terribly sad it is, but it's so damn GOOD !!! It's really really interesting and fun, but fuck .. wild animals are some fucked up creatures.

Anywho, if you havn't noticed by now, I probably wouldn't be writing a blog right now if I wasn't putting off doing something else. And of course such is the case as of now. I am supposed to be writing a paper .. and I'm not, not that I don't want to .. My mind is just all jumbled up right now, and I needed some release.

I like the change in the weather .. warm weather makes me tired .. But the foggy overcast is very nostalgic and pleasant to me. I'm sure most people are miserable in this weather, but I love it. I guess it reminds me of being relaxed. I also love rainy days, but I also don't like them because driving in the rain does not equal fun ?? or does it ...

Genji is staying up with me. I didn't even ask him to, he just plopped down on his couch and told me he was gonna hang out with me as long as it took. I told him to go to sleep if he got bored, but he just said whatever, I don't think he's gonna last. Hero, Tosh and Shin already fell asleep. Genji is just doing whatever he can to stay awake at this point, I think 'mma just let him go to bed. Maybe I should too. I dono .. I have work to do ..

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