Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Being a dork can be so much fun.

So I went to the Starwars Battlefront/Vader PSP Slim release event ..

Aside from waiting in line for 3 hours .. it was pretty frigg'n awesome !!

Joey had to leave before I got there, but I waited with Irene. At first it was boring, but then a bunch of storm troopers came marching out. That was fun, We took some pics with them, they posed, it was cool. After that some lame Jedi guys walked around but nobody was really interested. After we started to get bored again, Boba Fett came out !! Everyone got excited and Irene took a ton of pics .. it was pretty sweet.

I would say we waited another hour after bobafett showed up, before finally the music started .. But it was the wrong song.


And tons of storm troopers came out, then finally, Vader himself came out and in his hands was the VADER PSP !! it was so damn awesome, so epic, so dramatic !! Vader was a pretty massive guy, he had to be at least a head taller than me. As he walked past me I did the only thing I could think of and yelled out .. "HEY VADER !! HIGH FIVE !!" and I threw my hand up in the air and my hand met his .. yes, Vader and I engaged in a .. HIGH FIVE !!

Yeah .. I must say High Fiveing Vader was awesome, people got pics, Irene didn't get the pic, but it was a moment I will cherish forever .. hahahaha ..

Anywho, we FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY got inside, and once we did, we got to take the dorkiest pic ever in front of a green screen .. but before we got the pic taken, Irene yelled out "HEY BOBAFETT COME TAKE A PIC WITH US !!" and believe it or not, he came over and posed with us .. I got the Red light saber, Irene got the blaster, and Boba had his own blaster .. and .. well .. heres the pic ~

So yeah .. Irene got Joey his Vader PSP, with the Han Solo in Carbonite Case .. we got some free stickers, toys and posters on the way .. Very nerdy .. but very fun time.



It was pretty much the most ridiculous thing ever! Sorry I didn't get picture of the Vader high-five... my camera battery was dying, so it kept taking pictures too late.

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