Monday, February 4, 2008

Class Time.

I've been sitting in this classroom for the past 2 hours, with 1 more hour left to go. The lecture is boring and the room is stuffy. I haven't been paying attention much, but it doesn't matter because it's not like it's anything I haven't heard before. My back hurts from this chair and I'm hungry.

I haven't written a blog in a while and I thought it was about time. A lot of stuff has happened since my last post, but I guess I've just been too distracted by my AWESOME NEW HD TV .. !! Upgraded my cable and everything.

Anywho, my birthday is on Saturday and Karaoke is the plan. If you want to come, drop me a line and maybe you can. I think we'll probably go somewhere else for food beforehand, and of course we'll bring drinks to the Karaoke place for good measure. Although I am looking forward to 1600 cc OB Beers.

In other news, I think I want to drop my Japanese class. I think my teacher hates me, and I can take Moriguchi (who does not hate me) next semester probably. But I dono .. Might stick with it.

I'm really glad I took up the Flash class .. It's gotten me really excited and motivated to make some awesome stuff !! I've done some cool doodles and made a few things over the last few weeks .. maybe 'll post it up here soon.

George and I finally beat Pixel Junk, but we didn't unlock everything yet, and also Warhawk is awesome and I think everyone should play it.

This class is driving me insane, I'm getting super antsy being in this tiny room with 40 other people and I want it to hurry up and end. I can't think of much else to write because my brain is beginning to boil.


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