Friday, September 4, 2009

"Daisuke: Ninja for Hire"

Visit for the original post.

OK! So, I finally came up with a name for my game! The official title of my game will be "Daisuke: Ninja for Hire".

So the name is as straightforward as it sounds. It is about a Ninja named Daisuke, and the ongoing story will involve him doing various missions for all types of characters.

I also have been doing a lot of bug fixing and adding a lot of content to my game lately, so I decided to make a bit of a teaser trailer.

There isn't too much to it, but I just thought I would give the people a little taste.

The video is on youtube:

On my ZNOLMT Channel:

And on my GenjiPig Channel:

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Liberation Theology.

I was looking through my notebook and I found my Liberation Theology notes.

Perhaps this explains why I dropped that class.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Epic Camaro Journey !!

Here is the story of Nikki's Camaro, as told by me, on the forum of I'm posting it here so that the world and Facebook can read it too.

There original link can be found here:

Here we go!!

OK Everyone, I don't know if you've been following the ups and downs of Nikki's (NikkiCamaro) terrible experience trying to secure a Camaro, but I've decided to share it with you all anyways.

This story is full of love, hate, villains, princesses, magic and wonder .. well, sort of ..

It does however have a happy ending, which could not have come without the fantastic help from Camaro5 members!! Thanks you guys !!

So, here we go.

A long long time ago, my girlfriend Nikki decided she wanted a car. She had finally found a decent paying job, and we had a great new apartment, so she wanted to find the perfect car for her. After doing a bunch of research (which included reading car blogs, reviews, watching Transformers, and eventually discovering, Nikki decided that the 2010 Camaro was the PERFECT car for her.

After searching through Camaro5, we discovered that one of the local dealers in our area (San Francisco, California) was reportedly selling Camaro orders for MSRP, with $1000 deposits. So, Nikki stashed away the money and we eventually headed out to PUTNAM GM, in BURLINGAME.

When we got out there, we met a seemingly very nice man named Ed. He was pretty knowledgeable, took the cash, gave us a receipt and assured us the car would be in after about 8 weeks, but there were about 20 orders ahead of us.

So, we waited, and waited .. Calling every now and again to check up on the order, but getting very little response back from the Putnam Dealership. It's like they didn't want to tell us anything, we honestly felt like we were getting the cold shoulder, which seemed very rude considering they were holding onto Nikki's money. Our emails were returned only by very brief single sentence responses.

After about a month or so, we found out that Putnam had their yellow floor model there and we could check it out, so we did. After checking out the 2010 Camaro up close, Nikki decided she wanted a Sunroof added to her order, so she emailed Ed, told him, and he assured her that he added the sunroof to her order, and that it was just in time because her order would be going in to GM within the next week or so.

Keep in mind, Nikki's original order was; 2LT, ABM, Auto, RS. No known restraints on any part of it.

We later heard about a certain Camaro5 member, who had also ordered from this dealership, and had a VERY bad experience with them. I was extremely concerned, so Nikki and I consulted some of our (quite powerful) lawyer friends and family members, to make sure that if things went bad, we would be able to at least get our money back. I shared this on Camaro5, simply stating that I spoke to a lawyer out of concern for my girlfriend's order. Nikki later got an angry email from Ed at Putnam, saying he was upset with my actions.

I would just like to say, that my actions are non of Ed's business. His deal was with Nikki, not me. Also, if he didn't want to hear threats of lawyers and calls to the Better Business Bureau, then his dealership shouldn't have done such bad business with Camaro5 members.

The "bad deal" with the other Camaro5 member was supposedly worked out, but it lead to many other Camaro5 members complaining about their bad experiences with this particular dealership.

SO !! After a while, we were starting to feel a bit hopeless, as I'm sure many Camaro5 members can relate to, until one day, we found the famous "check your order" thread. I put Nikki's order number in, but got no response, due to the flood of members trying to get their orders checked. A few days later, Nikki successfully got her order checked on one of these threads.

Order status: 0000


Apparently our order had been canceled, TWO DAYS AFTER WE PLACED IT !!

So what the hell were we waiting for over the past two months ??

Nikki and I IMMEDIATELY tried to contact the dealer, and got very little response. We created threads here on Camaro5 and got opinions of other members, for which we are extremely grateful!

We EVENTUALLY heard back from Ed, who tried to tell us our order wasn't canceled. We also briefly spoke with another worker who told us our order would probably go in soon due to the fact that about 15 orders had gone in over the last few weeks .. Wait what !? 15 in a couple weeks? Weren't we 20th in line a few MONTHS ago ??

FINALLY, after multiple attempts to get a hold of Ed, Nikki demanded to see a copy of her actual order printout, and eventually got it faxed to her work.

The initial order was canceled, Nikki was never informed, and a new order was placed with a new order number .. and guess what else .. NO SUNROOF !!

At this point, we realized Putnam had been BSing us from the get go. We talked a bit, and Nikki then canceled her order. They told her they would send a check, but after a few days of waiting (canceled on thursday night, friday, saturday, sunday, monday) Nikki called again, told them to forget mailing, headed down there in person and picked up the check, which had been sitting on someones desk for god knows how long.

So now that THAT nightmare was over, Nikki still needed a car. I had been calling other local dealerships to see what their stock and allocations were like, but after mentioning our hard time with the previous dealership, they would often say something like "oh, yeah Putnam, they're our friends".

Needless to say, I never got a single call back from any of our local dealerships in the San Francisco Bay area.

After more and more searching, we heard about some good dealerships, but no one had anything on hand nearby, and Nikki was sick of waiting.

I found a Dealer in Sacramento, selling at MSRP, but they didn't want to sell their floor model till they got another one in. We headed up there (90 mile drive) to check it out, sign some finance papers, and get an idea of when she could take the car home.

Nikki called back a few days later, and they never even ran the finance application, and they had no idea when they would get another Camaro.

Forget them. I should have realized they were no good when they told us "You can't order these Camaros!" I assured them that customers could, and many Camaro5 members had already gotten their cars. The dealers just gave me a dumbfounded look and an "Oh." All this was going on while one of the other salesmen was trying to do handstands on his motorcycle.

SO FORGET THAT PLACE !! It really makes me wonder what they must do all day at dealerships like that? How could they really not know their product?

All had seemed lost, but then, JUST YESTERDAY (saturday), I widened up the range on to 250 miles for 2010 Camaros.

This new search found us a few Camaros at MSRP in ..... Madera, California!

I've never even heard of Madera. It is about 160+ miles from San Francisco out roughly near Fresno. I suggested it to Nikki hesitantly, and she immediately called, and asked them, if she showed up tomorrow, could she drive it off the same day? They pretty much said, HELL yes! They wanted to sell these Camaros, and we wanted to buy them! Well .. just one.

So we woke up early this morning and made our epic drive out to Madera California. It was a long .. LONG way, through tons of farmland. It was WAY out there, and we had luckily gotten a ride from Nikki's father, which was very nice of him. The drive seemed like forever, but it was probably just the anxiety of approaching this LEGENDARY city of Madera, where Camaros were sold for MSRP .. something UNHEARD of in our area.

We FINALLY got to Madera Auto Center, where we met Mario, a VERY nice VERY helpful gentleman who dealt with all the paperwork, helped us out and explained all the financing to us very carefully.

It was a big relief to be actually treated like people by a dealership. These people at Madera Auto Center were GREAT people, so helpful, and very kind. They had 2 Camaros when we got there, one yellow 2LT and one black 1LT, apparently the SS they had was sold the day before.

SO, we took the yellow 2LT out for a quick test drive .. and what do you know ~

As soon as Nikki pulls out of the parking lot and up to the light, a red 2005+ mustang pulls up next to her, looks at her, looks at me, puts his head down, then says "Nice car ...". Nikki and I looked at each other, laughed, and looked at him. She said thanks, and I said "I know." Then the rubber burned. We all had a good laugh, it was so perfect!

We got back, they dealt with paperwork, I got us all burgers, and after bunch of paper signing, and onstar explaining, NIKKI FINALLY GOT HER CAMARO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And so the Epic Camaro Journey came to a close !!

It wasn't exactly what she originally wanted, but thats what the aftermarket is for! We made sure to call the Sacramento dealership and tell them to shred her paperwork. Nikki even let me drive half the way home!

Now the Camaro is parked at our apartment complex and Nikki is asleep. She wanted me to write this because she knows that I have way too much free time on my hands.

I hope you guys enjoyed hearing about our adventure, and I hope you guys all get your Camaros soon if you have not gotten it yet!

Good luck!

Oh, and I know ..

So, here are some pics~

The black 1LT:

Nikki's Camaro:

More pix to come!

Oh, and a word of advice .. Turn the traction control off.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Close call.

Before I go to sleep, I would just like to say to the jerk in the PT cruiser who nearly killed me on Turk this past evening ..

F*** you.

I was walking to campus to work on a project, and I just so happened to be on the phone (though I was using the ear buds to talk). I was crossing the street, AT THE CROSSWALK on Turk. This was one of the crosswalks without a signal, but it's clearly out in the open and I could never imagine it being dangerous.

Anyways, I was crossing, and I was just hanging up my phone, when I noticed a car coming toward me, a PT cruiser. This is not unusual, as you would expect a car to come toward you while you're crossing the street, AT A GODDAMN CROSSWALK. What you also expect, is the car to slow down as it comes toward you. This car didn't, and I noticed this as it was closing in on me. Those are fairly big cars, and I was dead in it's sights, so the f***er driving must have not been looking at the road AT ALL. So, as the car came within just a few feet of me, probably going about 40, I realized that there was something terribly wrong with this picture .. SO, with the reflexes of a puma (or maybe a guinea pig), I took a lightning fast hop back, and avoided getting hit by barely a few inches .. and I literally mean INCHES !! any closer and I woulda been f***ed.

So, like any normal person, as soon as it wizzed past me, I let out a rather loud .. "WHAT THE F*** !!" and the jerk kept going. So, seriously .. if anyone knows someone who drives a PT cruiser, and was driving it down turk last night at around 9:30, please tell me, so that I can punch them in their face, because if I hadn't looked up at just the right moment, or hung up my phone at just the right second, or even if my jump back was just a few inches short, I would be in the ER right now.

Learn to look where you're going.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Closing in .. Also Camaros .. and Star Trek?

So, the semester is coming to a close. Graduation is almost here, and I have a lot of stuff to do before then. Luckily my morning class for Monday was canceled so I can be up late doing homework tonight. I've had a hard time getting stuff done, but it's getting down to the wire now, so now that the pressure is on, I think I can crank out everything I need to in what little time I have.

My workload for finals is as follows

2 Presentations

4 Papers

1 Project

1 Take Home Test

Some make up stuff.

Couple more service hours? ( .. need to check on that .. )

And yeah, I actually have like, double finals in some classes, or multiple part finals. But no actual sit down exams which is good. Studying for a test is a different kind of stress from working on papers or projects. I know that even if I write a paper that I might not be satisfied with, I'll probably still get a good grade, but if I don't study my ASS off for a test, I probably wont do so well .. So at least that type of stress is off my shoulders.

Aside from homework tonight, I did go to the gym and watch the new episode of Dragonball Kai, which was awesome, even though I already knew what was going to happen.

I also think this Camaro looks pretty awesome

But not $10k markup awesome. Could probably do that stuff myself for under $100. Just gimme some blackout tint from the air freshener store, some matte black car paint and some duct tape. Hah! I'd probably fuck up though, especially on a new car.

Probably gonna get some stripes when Nikki gets hers in this summer though .. they'll look bad ass, Grand Sport style Hash marks.

Anywho, I'm pretty sure I had a point in starting to write this blog, but now I can't remember.

As I look through my notes, I realize that I can't read my own handwriting .. but it doesn't really matter, because I don't think I wrote down anything important anyways. I DID however draw a LOT of awesome pictures of Ninjas, which I think is just as important.

Anywho, lots of stuff is coming up in the next week or so .. Parties, Bay to Breakers and of course .. DUN DUN DUN !! GRADUATIONNNN !!111Nunnnunuhhh!!

I should be looking forward to it, but I'm too caught up in the stress of the moment. It will be a huge relief when it comes though.

I really don't understand why I'm freaking out so much lately, it isn't like i'm even taking hard classes. I got all of those out of the way already, this semester should be a cake walk! After all of those semesters of actually hard classes and 20+ page papers with super hard tests .. those never really phased me, but now I think I'm just kinda burnt out. I need a break.


In other news. In anticipation of Nikki's Camaro .. WHICH SEEMS TO BE TAKING FOREVER .. we checked out a yellow 2LT at the dealership the other day. It was frigg'n SWEET !! Except for two problems.

1. Did not have RS package.

2. $5k dealer markup.

Weak syrup よ.

I posted some pix on fazebook. Nikki should have hers in like a month or so .. and it will be even more awesomerated !!

OH! I also saw Star Trek last night .. and I know everyone is saying this, but it's true, "I am not a fan of the series, but this was a really good movie!". It's true! It was a really good movie! And I normally can't stand Star Trek .. AND BELIEVE ME ! I HAVE WATCHED THE ORIGINAL STAR TREK !! I had a friend (who shall remain nameless) as a child who loved the original show/movies, and I was at times forced to watched them. I did not understand the appeal back then, and now that I do understand it, I just think it's lame.

BUT THIS MOVIE WAS PRETTY GOOD !! It was fun, and it kept me entertained. It didn't blow my away, but I would reccomend it to anyone who likes a good action movie, and if you have a bit of knowledge of the original star trek series, then you will really appreciate it.

When they made the movie, I'm sure they were trying to appeal to people who may not like Star Trek, because at times, it even seemed like a parody of the original .. But they had a reason for it! which was fun .. The fact that I'm still talking about it speaks for itself. Go see it!

I think I should get back to work now .........

Sunday, April 19, 2009

In a slump.

So lately I have found it very difficult to focus. It's hard for me to get much done, and I can feel the angst continually growing as time goes by. I feel increasingly detached.

It was really fucking hot today and is supposed to be hotter tomorrow. It remains super fucking warn in my apartment, and anyone who knows me, knows that I can't stand hot weather. I'm pretty sure the pigs are miserable also.

I have been feeling particularly frustrated tonight, because of the combined lack of focus and lack of cool weather. I thought to myself, "how do I normally deal with hot weather situations ?". Then I realized that i would normally do it in the same way I would deal with any other frustrating situation ..... I would go for a drive!

Driving my Z would always calm me down and give me a chance to cool down and clear my mind. There really is nothing quite like driving a super low, super stiff sports car with the top off on an empty freeway in a hot night. Damn that sounds good .. But alas, I gave up my car back in February to save money. Little did I realize that it would have a much greater impact on my life and behaviour than I could have imagened.

I really miss being able to drive around and escape all my problems. But now my car isn't even registered, so there is no chance of that for the time being.

I really think that an occasional drive would really bring me out of this slump, but I accept no substitutes.

Fuck. I feel lost without my Z.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dragonball Evolution Live Blog.

So, I managed to get a copy of a large chunk of the live new terrible live action movie, "Dragonball Evolution", which came out in theaters in Japan just a few days ago, and comes out in theaters in the US next month. I did not watch the entire movie, though I have seen various chunks of the movie already. What I watched today were the scenes leading up to the ending, and the ending itself.

The following is an IM with my buddy Tsukento. Tsukento and I are both HUGE fans of Dragonball, and have been since our early childhood. Both of us are basically walking, talking Dragonball Encyclopedias.

The following IM conversation is mostly just my rantings as I watched the ending of the movie, my immediate impressions as the events unfolded. It is pretty brief convo, and I will probably write a real review tomorrow, or the next day. I just wanted to convey my emotions while I watched this travesty.

THIS DOES CONTAIN SPOILERS .. kind .. if you even give a rats ass.

Z NO LMT (10:11:41 PM): this movie is really bad
Tsukento X (10:11:50 PM): Took you that long to figure?
Z NO LMT (10:11:56 PM): no like seriously
Z NO LMT (10:12:03 PM): the acting is aweful
Z NO LMT (10:12:23 PM): like even if it wasn't a bastardization of dragonball
Z NO LMT (10:12:28 PM): it would still be a terrible movie
Z NO LMT (10:14:19 PM): OH S***
Z NO LMT (10:14:29 PM): this is bs
Z NO LMT (10:14:32 PM): he got shot and is dieing
Z NO LMT (10:14:42 PM): Goku can take a bullet to the head and just get pissed off in dragonball
Z NO LMT (10:15:17 PM): "Grandpa how, how do I defeat Oozaru" NEW WORST LINE EVARRR
Z NO LMT (10:16:01 PM): mutaito is not dead
Z NO LMT (10:16:06 PM): and he is the black ghost buster
Tsukento X (10:16:08 PM): Do they not even know what Oozaru means?
Z NO LMT (10:16:12 PM): of course not
Z NO LMT (10:16:39 PM): they have to get to dragon temple
Z NO LMT (10:18:25 PM): dude, this is s***
Z NO LMT (10:18:29 PM): i don't even know whats going on anymore
Z NO LMT (10:18:33 PM): everything is happening hella fast
Z NO LMT (10:19:24 PM): goku put on his orange and blue gi for some reason
Z NO LMT (10:20:18 PM): finally get to see crappy oozaru
Z NO LMT (10:20:24 PM): 18th birthday
Z NO LMT (10:20:28 PM): oozaru serves piccolo
Z NO LMT (10:20:32 PM): wtf were they thinkinhg?
Z NO LMT (10:21:00 PM): ok, goku just became the wolfman
Tsukento X (10:21:10 PM): Only with an eclipse.
Z NO LMT (10:21:13 PM): of course
Z NO LMT (10:21:17 PM): and only after his 18th birthday
Z NO LMT (10:21:53 PM): piccolo explained goku's origin in like 5 seconds
Z NO LMT (10:22:43 PM): oozaru goku is completely CG
Z NO LMT (10:22:48 PM): and looks like s***
Z NO LMT (10:23:16 PM): looks like something between a gorilla and vampire bat
Z NO LMT (10:23:29 PM): Goku "My grandfather taught me, first rule, there are no rules"
Tsukento X (10:23:51 PM): Also movie seems to suggest that Piccolo came to Earth before with another Saiyan.
Z NO LMT (10:24:13 PM): omg
Z NO LMT (10:24:18 PM): why is the goku piccolo fihgt
Z NO LMT (10:24:23 PM): just like the neo smith fight
Z NO LMT (10:24:25 PM): from matrix 3
Z NO LMT (10:24:30 PM): only w/ fireballs
Z NO LMT (10:25:39 PM): these monologues are retarded
Z NO LMT (10:27:16 PM): yay !
Z NO LMT (10:27:22 PM): magic dragonball chant
Z NO LMT (10:27:26 PM): omfg this is lame
Z NO LMT (10:30:50 PM): that was the worst ending to anything ever
Z NO LMT (10:30:57 PM): also, the piccolo part must be after the credits
Tsukento X (10:31:02 PM): Yeah.
Z NO LMT (10:31:03 PM): which didn't get into this video
Tsukento X (10:31:04 PM): I was about to say
Tsukento X (10:31:09 PM): Wait until after the credits.
Z NO LMT (10:31:09 PM): because
Z NO LMT (10:31:18 PM): it cuts out when the credits start
Z NO LMT (10:31:29 PM): the piccolo battle was really really bad
Z NO LMT (10:31:39 PM): and after, piccolo is just laying on the ground
Z NO LMT (10:31:45 PM): then they leave him alone
Z NO LMT (10:31:54 PM): i wanna cry now
Z NO LMT (10:46:37 PM): I'm gonna post part of this IM
Z NO LMT (10:46:40 PM): but 'll take your name out
Tsukento X (10:46:47 PM): lol Don't have to.
Z NO LMT (10:46:52 PM): ok fine
Z NO LMT (10:46:58 PM): gonna put it on facebook
Z NO LMT (10:47:01 PM): and blogger
Tsukento X (10:48:49 PM): Haha.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Computer Failure

So my lappy has recently been disabled. My iPhone has now become primary means of communication but I really don't mind so much because this thing can do friggin everything !!

This post is mostly just a test of iPhone blogging.

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