Monday, May 11, 2009

Closing in .. Also Camaros .. and Star Trek?

So, the semester is coming to a close. Graduation is almost here, and I have a lot of stuff to do before then. Luckily my morning class for Monday was canceled so I can be up late doing homework tonight. I've had a hard time getting stuff done, but it's getting down to the wire now, so now that the pressure is on, I think I can crank out everything I need to in what little time I have.

My workload for finals is as follows

2 Presentations

4 Papers

1 Project

1 Take Home Test

Some make up stuff.

Couple more service hours? ( .. need to check on that .. )

And yeah, I actually have like, double finals in some classes, or multiple part finals. But no actual sit down exams which is good. Studying for a test is a different kind of stress from working on papers or projects. I know that even if I write a paper that I might not be satisfied with, I'll probably still get a good grade, but if I don't study my ASS off for a test, I probably wont do so well .. So at least that type of stress is off my shoulders.

Aside from homework tonight, I did go to the gym and watch the new episode of Dragonball Kai, which was awesome, even though I already knew what was going to happen.

I also think this Camaro looks pretty awesome

But not $10k markup awesome. Could probably do that stuff myself for under $100. Just gimme some blackout tint from the air freshener store, some matte black car paint and some duct tape. Hah! I'd probably fuck up though, especially on a new car.

Probably gonna get some stripes when Nikki gets hers in this summer though .. they'll look bad ass, Grand Sport style Hash marks.

Anywho, I'm pretty sure I had a point in starting to write this blog, but now I can't remember.

As I look through my notes, I realize that I can't read my own handwriting .. but it doesn't really matter, because I don't think I wrote down anything important anyways. I DID however draw a LOT of awesome pictures of Ninjas, which I think is just as important.

Anywho, lots of stuff is coming up in the next week or so .. Parties, Bay to Breakers and of course .. DUN DUN DUN !! GRADUATIONNNN !!111Nunnnunuhhh!!

I should be looking forward to it, but I'm too caught up in the stress of the moment. It will be a huge relief when it comes though.

I really don't understand why I'm freaking out so much lately, it isn't like i'm even taking hard classes. I got all of those out of the way already, this semester should be a cake walk! After all of those semesters of actually hard classes and 20+ page papers with super hard tests .. those never really phased me, but now I think I'm just kinda burnt out. I need a break.


In other news. In anticipation of Nikki's Camaro .. WHICH SEEMS TO BE TAKING FOREVER .. we checked out a yellow 2LT at the dealership the other day. It was frigg'n SWEET !! Except for two problems.

1. Did not have RS package.

2. $5k dealer markup.

Weak syrup よ.

I posted some pix on fazebook. Nikki should have hers in like a month or so .. and it will be even more awesomerated !!

OH! I also saw Star Trek last night .. and I know everyone is saying this, but it's true, "I am not a fan of the series, but this was a really good movie!". It's true! It was a really good movie! And I normally can't stand Star Trek .. AND BELIEVE ME ! I HAVE WATCHED THE ORIGINAL STAR TREK !! I had a friend (who shall remain nameless) as a child who loved the original show/movies, and I was at times forced to watched them. I did not understand the appeal back then, and now that I do understand it, I just think it's lame.

BUT THIS MOVIE WAS PRETTY GOOD !! It was fun, and it kept me entertained. It didn't blow my away, but I would reccomend it to anyone who likes a good action movie, and if you have a bit of knowledge of the original star trek series, then you will really appreciate it.

When they made the movie, I'm sure they were trying to appeal to people who may not like Star Trek, because at times, it even seemed like a parody of the original .. But they had a reason for it! which was fun .. The fact that I'm still talking about it speaks for itself. Go see it!

I think I should get back to work now .........



This is some awosome IDEA! Wow Where do you come up with this stuff! Look im a long time reader of this blog and i am always amaized at your train of thought!…

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