Monday, November 17, 2008

More like LiePhone.

So I was in the library studying, listening to some totally sweet Maroon 5, when suddenly and without (20%) warning, my iPhone's battery died. It was odd, because it had claimed to have full battery the entire time I was at the library, which obviously could not have been true since I had been using it all day.

Usually my phone will tell me when it's battery is dieing. I feel like we've already encountered a communication barrier in our relationship. Come on iPhone, if you can't articulate your feelings with me, then we're gonna have problems.

So hopefully this was just a one time thing, I don't want to have to send my iPhone to therapy, or get it some kind of anxiety medication. I don't think my insurance will cover it.

Speaking of insurance, mine is about to run out in a few months, so I better get all my doctor visits in while I can. Even though I can't stand going to any type of doctor, I really gotta get my (Mom's) money's worth.

In other news, I'm pretty run down from the events of the past week. I'm way behind in school work, but I'm starting to catch back up, thanks to Red Bull. I've found myself getting back into drinking energy drinks, which I know is a terrible habit, but I havn't had time to go to the gym (which usually gets my brain going), so I've had to resort to my old addiction. Unfortunatly I can no longer find anyone who sells Dark Dog ("It's Good for You!"*), so instead I just drink twice as much Red Bull. It gets the job done, but it totally tears my stomach apart.

* = Not really ...

Here is a doodle I drew on my Plato notes:

Totally epic.


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